- 1 min
Humor In Chaos
I have a first draft done for my next book! Woo Hoo!!! This is not a novel. This is a book on the reasons for Humor In Chaos. The last...
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- 4 min
Personal Evolution
I came across a photo of me from 2018 when I was very ill from Lupus. It was in conjunction with an article I had written about living...
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- 4 min
Empowerment: It Does a Body Good
The Mighty online publisher of essays from people who are battling medical and/or mental health conditions recently republished an essay...
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- 3 min
Nine Years Alive!
Nine years today I sat in a chair at the Quest Diagnostics Lab over by the movie theater while the nice gentleman with a very long gray...
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- 3 min
I Just Love Stress, Don't You?
STRESS!!! All of you who have to deal with problem stress every day, please raise your hands! Let me count. One, two, three… Looks like...
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- 2 min
You all are going to think I am weird, but, have you ever given a name to something that isn't alive? I have. Many times. Usually, a car....
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- 5 min
How It Feels to Write
My fingers feel the miniscule titillating sensation of friction as the hard tip of the pen scours the delicate surface of the paper with...
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